31甘願做,歡喜受。 Be willing to do, be happy to bear.
32是非當教育,讚美當警惕。 Disputes should be regarded as education, praises as warnings.
33人要知福、惜福、再造福。 We should know, appreciate and cultivate blessings.
34要用心,不要操心、煩心。 Be mindful. Don't worry or fret.
35欣賞別人,就是莊嚴自己。 To appreciate others is to respect yourself.
36人生為善,要分秒必爭。 At every second, compete for goodness.
37時間對一個有智慧的人而言,就如鑽石般珍貴。 To a wise person, time is like a diamond.
38什麼是人生最有價值的呢?就是愛。 What is the most valuable thing in life? It is love.
39對父母要知恩感恩報恩。 Recognize, appreciate and repay your parents' love.
40不管是愛人或被愛都是幸福的。 To love others and to be loved are blessings.