21.要比誰更愛誰,不要比誰更怕誰。 Let us compete with who is more loving, not on who is more feared.
22.為自己找藉口的人永遠不會進步。 We can never improve if we always make excuses for ourself.
23.看別人不順眼,是自己修養不夠。 One who constantly looks down on others reveals his lack of moral cultivation.
24.屋寬不如心寬。 It is better to have a generous heart than a spacious dwelling.
25.生氣,就是拿別人的過錯來懲罰自己。 Getting angry is actually punishing ourself for the mistakes of others.
26.一個人的快樂,不是因為他擁有的多,而是因為他計較得少。 A person's happiness stem not from how much he owns but from how little he complains.
27.並非有錢就是快樂,問心無愧心最安。 Money does not necessarily bring happiness. A person with a clean conscience is most at peace.
28.要批評別人時,先想想自己是否完美無缺。 Before criticizing other, consider whether we are perfect and without fault.
29.小事不做,大事難成。 If we are unwilling to do little chores, it will be difficult to accomplish great things
30心中有愛,才會人見人愛。 With love in heart, you will be loved by all.