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討論區首頁 : 閱讀專區 : 即時學英語

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 文章主題 : 生活英語
文章發表於 : 2016年 6月 8日, 10:29 

註冊時間: 2009年 1月 14日, 06:05
文章: 1422
EF EnglishLive
"Nice to meet you." "很高興認識你。"
"Where are you from?" "你來自哪裡?"
"How old are you?" "你年紀多大?"
"I was here first." "我第一個到這的。"
"Lunch at twelve thirty." "12:30的午餐。"
"Happy Birthday." "生日快樂。"
"The box is in my car." "那盒子在我車上。"
"Eleven o'clock." "11點鐘"
"The house is very big." "那房子非常大。"
"Do you have a dog?" "你有一隻狗嗎?"
"Come in." "進來吧。"
"It's ugly and dirty and too expensive." "它又醜又髒,而且也太貴。"
"Turn right here." "在這裡右轉。"
"Nice neighborhood, let's go for a walk." "很不錯的社區,咱們去散步吧。"
"I'll go on foot." "我將要走路去。"
"Wow, you look really nice today." "哇,你今天看起來真是太好了。"
"I look great in this outfit." "我穿這件衣服很好看。"
"She's nice, funny, pretty...but her clothes!" "她的人很好,有趣好笑,也很漂亮,但她的衣服實在是… "
"Those are cool." "那些很酷。"
"Tomorrow is the twenty-first of June." "明天是六月二十一日。"
"I know what he doesn't like." "我知道他不喜歡的是什麼。"
"She can play the guitar." "她會彈吉他。"
"Emma's birthday is on October the 25th." "Emma的生日是10月25日。"
"Could you cook dinner tonight?" "你今晚可以煮晚餐嗎?"
"There's no rice." "沒有米/飯了。"
"I'm looking for chicken." "我正在找尋雞肉。"
"Just a glass of water." "只是一杯水。"
"It's mine." "這是我的。"
Give it back. 還給我。
"It is my desk." "這是我的桌子。"
"I like reading." "我喜歡閱讀。"
"Whose books are these, yours?" "這是誰的書啊,你的嗎?"
"Every day I get a hundred e-mails." "我每天會收到100封的emails。"
"I never have meetings." "我從來沒有開過會。"
"I do boring jobs." "我的工作很無趣。"
"You usually work hard." "你通常努力工作。"
" 6:20... brush my teeth." "早上6點20分……刷牙"
"I do laundry on Wednesday." "我在星期三洗衣服。"
"Every Sunday I clean the mailboxes." "每個星期天我會清空我的郵件信箱。"
"This has never happened before." "這從來沒有發生過。"
"He's not invited." "他沒有受到邀請。"
"I'd love to, but it's Tuesday." "我想去,但今天是星期二。"
"I'm busy now." "我現在很忙。"
"So how many presents did you get?" "你得到了多少禮物啊?"
"Sarah I like driving, but it's tiring." "Sarah, 我喜歡開車,但開車很累人。"
"I love driving." "我喜歡開車。"
"You can do lots of other things!" "你可以做很多其他的事。"
" It's not too difficult." "那不會太難。"
"I want a boyfriend who has a plan." "我想要一個對自己有規劃的男朋友。"
"I can't believe it." "我無法相信。"
"Yes, of course." "是的,當然。"
"Well, she's pretty fit." "嗯,她的身材相當好。"
"I went for a run." "我那時去跑步。"
"We had lunch and watched a match." "我們那時吃了午餐,也砍了一場比賽。"

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