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 文章主題 : 中國萬里長城(The Great Wall Of China)
文章發表於 : 2012年 1月 25日, 21:54 

註冊時間: 2009年 1月 14日, 06:05
文章: 1422
中國萬里長城(The Great Wall Of China)

Undoubtedly one of the world’s top tourism destinations, the Great Wall is a stunning monument stretching over 5,000 kilometres and is even visible from space. When in Beijing, the most convenient place to view the wall is from Badaling in Yanqing County, situated around 70 kilometres from the Chinese capital. Take one of the Tourist Buses leaving from Qianmen Station or Bus 919 departing from Deshengmen Station. Other sights open for tourists to explore the wall are Mutianyu, Huanghuacheng, Simatai and Jinshanling.

萬里長城,人類的巨著!中華之魂!八達嶺長城史稱天下九塞之一,是萬里長城的精華和傑出代表。<br /> 八達嶺長城是萬里長城向遊人開放最早的地段,八達嶺景區以八達嶺長城為主,興建了八達嶺飯店、全週影院和由江澤民主席親筆題名的中國長城博物館等功能齊全的現代化旅遊服務設施,被評為中國旅遊勝地四十佳之首和北京旅遊的“世界之最”。作為“世界文化遺產”,八達嶺景區以其宏偉的景觀、完善的設施和深厚的文化歷史內涵而著稱於世。


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