日本京都市(Kyoto City)
Kyoto City The central area of Kyoto City lies in a valley. The area is rich in springs, wells, ponds, and other water sources. Its valley climate makes it hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Some snow collects in winter in the north, while the south has a long history of flooding. It is the site of the former Imperial Palace, and is a strategic center for Kyoto Prefecture’s business, industry, and transportation. Kyoto has a vast pool of shrines, temples, and cultural facilities, and a long tradition of numerous grand festivals and traditional events. It can also be said that one special feature of Kyoto is its monthly markets, held at places such as Toji Temple and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.
京都被誉为日本的历史博物馆的古都,位于近畿地区中部,是京都府的府厅所在地,人口148万,也是世界知名的观光城市。 京都既保持着日本历史悠久的传统文化,又在科技、经济等领域先于世界之林。千年来作为历代王朝国都,京都积累了王朝文化的精髓。京都也是美术工艺的中心,绘画、雕刻、建筑等方面技术精湛。 同时京都是日本仅次于东京的教育中心,聚集着众多的名牌大学,每年都有大量的留学生来此求学深造。京都的观光胜地:御所、仙洞御所、大宫御所、修学院、桂离宫等。