陝西西安秦始皇兵馬俑(Terracotta Warriors and Horses)
Terracotta Warriors and Horses In March 1974, when digging wells some 1•5km/1mi west of the Qin Shi Huangdi mausoleum, farmers found some clay pieces. This accidental finding led to the most important archaeological finding of the last few decades: the Terracotta Army, distributed over three large underground platforms and guarding the First Emperor's tomb towards the east. Originally, the warriors stood in vast underground chambers with wooden ceilings. During the plundering of the grave in 206 BC these were also robbed; then the rebels smashed the figures and burned down the chambers. The re-assembly of the figures and the securing of all the traces that are left of the original painting forms one of the most difficult tasks for archaeologists today. Although the faces of the warriors show individual features, parts of the figures were probably mass-produced in large workshops.
秦陵兵馬俑被譽為“世界第八奇蹟”。位於西安市臨潼縣東5公里的下河村。 第一號兵馬俑坑東西長230米,南北寬62米,深近5米,總面積14260平方米。坑內有與真人馬大小相同的武士俑和拖戰車的陶馬六千多件,排成方陣,造型逼真。在兵馬俑博物館裡,還可以使人感受到當時秦國軍隊的氣勢浩蕩的陣勢。 二號坑有一千多件兵馬俑,是以戰車、騎兵為主組成的4個兵種混編的陣列。 三號坑屬於指揮位置所在的小坑,有六十多個兵馬俑。